Made It As Denim Influencer 2020 By Rivet 50

rivet 50

Nominated By Rivet 50

Last May I was very honored to announce that I was nominated for the yearly Rivet 50 list. This list by Sourcing Journal is an index of the most creative and forward-thinking leaders driving the global jeanswear industry. It represents the upward direction the denim community strives for with each new collection, innovation, and technology.

There’re 5 categories: Designer, Executive, Retailers, Supply Chain, and Influencer.

Influencer 2020

After a couple months, I can now proudly announce that I made it to the final list of Rivet 50. So, I made it as Denim Influencer 2020! Proud to be part of this amazing list with the coolest, and most talented denim people.

Thank you all for voting, and above all, for following my online magazine, and social channels. Many more denim adventures will come, for sure! Stay Blue!

The full Rivet 50 list can be seen here.

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rivet 50

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