ORTA And Gate 27 Are Collaborating On The Bluesky Fellowship Program

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ORTA Collaborates With Gate 27

Turkish denim mill ORTA and Gate 27 collaborates on an international creative residency program. They’re thrilled to unveil their latest groundbreaking collaboration through their Bluesky fellowship program. Through the fusion of arts, culture, and sustainable practices, Gate 27 aims to make its mark on the sustainability landscape. ORTA seeks to communicate its sustainability initiatives through the lens of arts and culture.


New And Diverse Aesthetic And Ethical Perspectives

At ORTA, they recognize that global culture, the environment, and their fabrics are all connected. With this viewpoint in mind, they look to artists for new and diverse aesthetic and ethical perspectives. They define artistry in many ways. And see the artistry in biology, ecology, systems, and life itself. ORTA believes that the future will be shaped by artists who can act as the conduit between art, science, and technology. In the end, they get inspired by the artist’s thoughtware.

Eco-stewardship Takes Collaboration

ORTA believes in a regenerative, biological, and sustainable future. That is why they have been investing, testing, and collaborating on new bio-designed technologies. Think of creating dyes from food waste and supporting the emerging field of biodesign through the Biodesign Challenge. A global student competition for new biodesigned solutions. They call it Bluesky thinking and wanted to broaden its scope with their collaboration with Gate 27.

About Gate 27

The International Creative Residency Program Gate 27 was established in 2019 to support the research and production processes of different practices and to provide a platform for interdisciplinary interaction. Treating art and creative productions as research methods, Gate 27 invites artists, curators, researchers, and professionals from different disciplines to establish a dialogue around ecology, sustainability, accessibility, and local creative networks. It encourages the formation of different collaborations through public programs and events it organizes.

Gate 27 provides its residents with a calm working environment and studio space where they can turn their ideas into production and facilitate access to various resources and people to deepen their research. Participants become part of an extensive and ever-growing network of artists and researchers who are now alumni of the program.

The Bluesky Program

Last year, between October 1-31, 2023, a total of 25 applications from all around the world were received through Gate 27’s website for participation in the program. An independent evaluation committee consisting of curators and academics evaluated all applications with the participation of representatives from Gate 27 and ORTA. The committee included independent curator Xenia Kalpaktsoglou from Greece, curator Ulya Soley from Pera Museum, and professor Sezer Cihaner Keser from Van Yüzüncü Yıl University at the Department of Sculpture.

As a result of the evaluation, the artist Damla Yalçın, the project owner with the highest score, was invited to the program. Gate 27 will host Damla Yalçın at their Istanbul premises from February 1 to March 17.

Follow ORTA and Gate 27 on social media to learn more about the program and to follow the updates.

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All images provided by ORTA.


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